Something so cunty about that big ass rock serving in broad daylight
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LOVE a daytime moon. one of my fav bits of writing ever is how proust describes it in swann's way: "Sometimes in the afternoon sky the moon would pass white as a cloud, furtive, lusterless, like an actress who does not have to perform yet and who, from the audience, in street clothes, watches the other actors for a moment, making herself inconspicuous, not wanting anyone to pay attention to her."
4d ago
@NEVIN that’s sick thanks for sharing. Would you recommend the book?
4d ago
@NEVIN here’s one of my fav daytime moon quotes from McCarthy’s Blood Meridian “The jagged mountains were pure blue in the dawn and everywhere birds twittered and the sun when it rose caught the moon in the west so that they lay opposed to each other across the earth, the sun whitehot and the moon a pale replica, as if they were the ends of a common bore beyond whose terminals burned worlds past all reckoning.”
4d ago
@BENNYWAHWAH Love these! also I’ve read The Road and All The Pretty Horses, still haven’t committed to reading Blood Meridian yet (but it’s on my list) Though not about our Moon visiting us during the day, I love Emily’s Dickinson’s poem Percy Shelley‘s is one of my favourites too: *“Art thou pale for weariness* *Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,* *Wandering companionless* *Among the stars that have a different birth,* — *And ever changing, like a joyless eye* *That finds no object worth its constancy?* *Thou chosen sister of the Spirit,* *That gazes on thee till in thee it pities...”*
4d ago
@SOFTSHELLED this got me thinking—i find it funny that back in the day the moon was considered a symbol of craziness and change (i guess for having phases and wandering around relative to the stars), because to me the moon seems hella stable and more like a symbol of reliability… I blame capitalism
4d ago
@BENNYWAHWAH almost every sentence could end with “…I blame capitalism“ and it’d be apt I reckon hey also something something, *the moon decrees hysteric phases of feminine madness!!* But I agree with you though, I think she’s a beaut, a comforting presence. And I’m pretty sure that almost everyone has had the childhood experience of being driven home in the evening, or at night, looking out the car window and seeing the moon following you. Maybe half asleep. I’d do that now if I didn’t have to worry about actually keeping eyes on the road driving myself y’know. Sometimes I do get a treat of it if public transport is running late I live near the city and the light pollution is pretty bad, can’t see as many stars as I would like in my backyard, but the moon, she still shines through (:
4d ago
and she knows it too, hell yeah girl 🌚💅
4d ago

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