The collective participation in daylight savings time is a good reminder that we live under a “time regime”. It’s a helpful academic phrase (like ”climate grief”) to better describe your feelings and answer questions, like why is music performed at night? why are songs so short? what time is it? etc.
Growing up my mom always said "always have your mini skirt and high heel boots ready."
Rewatching The Nanny I see where she may have gotten it from.
Fran Drescher is a timeless style icon. A sexy appeal that wasn't too much in your face and yet still possesed that allure.
Film needs to make a comeback. Dark rooms, chemicals, film reels.
I know polaroids are common nowadays but lets bring back disposable cameras, 35mm pocket cams, kodak developing centers at cvs.
(Polaroid I took at a photoshoot 5 years ago.)