and I sat down in the middle and looked around and realized that I was the only one on the bus so I felt a bit cheeky and said loudly “wow this is the biggest uber I’ve ever been in!” The driver didn’t acknowledge me so then I said “hey, this is like my own party bus” and the driver whispered something to himself and then I shut up for the rest of the ride.
Keeps you humble. Sometimes it’s scary so you always remember you’re alive. In one commute you can be sitting contemplating so deep you’re like dazed when you get home. Some people would never catch the bus down Hollywood Blvd, watching neon lights multiply in the bus windows and their reflection, and I feel sorry for them.
best when alone in the bus except for the driver, even better when the driver is a woman with long gorgeous black hair to her waist who hums absentmindedly to herself, creates a sense of reverence for how big the sky is, how liquid the sun
and wonder why the hell they asked you to hang out? Like I just hung out with someone and they looked at their phone half the time and then asked me the most minimal stuff ever and then after 45 mins said “I have to go!” Like, damn girl you beat me to it
isn't it crazy how when you get a drink in this cup it tastes 100% better than any other type of drinking vessel? You can have the same diet coke or whatever but if it comes in this cup it's going to be much more crisper and tasty. Shout out the Cambro 2000P156 much love