Love can mean so many things to so many people, and it’s said with so many different intentions behind it. It helps to start by understanding your own definition and what you mean to convey. For me, it’s not something I reserve for only romantic partners or family, but I do keep it to a smaller group of people. I need to feel safe and vulnerable in order to say it to someone, so it often comes with a level of trust that’s been built in that relationship. Since the pandemic began, I have tried to say it more and more often to those I feel such strong affection and care toward. The past several years have reminded me of how unpredictable and impermanent life can be, so there is no point in waiting. I probably tell my partner I love them 15x a day because I do and I want them to know it. And I try to text my friends that I love them weekly (more or less) as they cross my mind. Sometimes it‘s just a text that says, “Hey, I love you.” You don’t need to use the word love frivolously if you don’t feel it but, if you do, don’t hold back either. ❤️

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