very funny very tragic very heartwarming and very nostalgic for me. crazy childhood lore, beautiful black love, i laughed gasped screamed / shrieked and cried!! rly touched my heart. teared up towards the end because this character sounded like my great aunt that passed away almost a year ago. sounded like her, talked like her, and was always sitting at the kitchen table. rip auntie joan… anyways this movie was a very good watch!!!
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And it was so sweet? Idk what I expected but I miss movies like this. i started it with a friend and had to see it through, what a fun little surprise
Feb 26, 2024
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fabulous movie. kind of like a prototype little ms sunshine. incredible cast, great story, and a wardrobe to die for. one of a handful of thanksgiving movies. im rarely left in charge of picking movies for movie night because most of my favorite movies are sad or gross but this has been universally loved to the people ive shown it to
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bonus points if the room is cold and the window is open