none of the arguments for determinism work, in my eyes. causal, scientific, epistemic, logical, etc etc; all these arguments fail to prove determinism. that being said, i don't think any such arguments can disprove it, either. so what are we left with? i think we are left with how it feels.
if you ask someone the question 'do you make decisions?' you are gonna get a 'yes' from just about everyone ever. the only time this doesn't happen is if you're already having the determinism discussion. simply put, it intrinsically feels like we are capable of making choices, and even if these choices are influenced by many many things beyond our control -- they still feel like *choices*. meaning that we *could have* chosen differently. and if none of the philosophical arguments prove or disprove free will, it means that this is all we've got to point us in any direction at all. & so it *should* point us in this direction.
i do make choices. i do make decisions. & these were not set in stone before i made them, they only happened *because* i made them. i am a causal force, i just cannot square my experience of being alive any other way.