You may recognize one of the tracks (Deep Blue Day) off this album because it’s in the Trainspotting soundtrack. But other than that, Apollo is just overall a beautiful ambient album that I always revisit either while writing or just while resting. 

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such peaceful, beautiful ambient / atmospheric music ! anything brian eno is incredible but this album is transcendental 🌎💫🛰️🌕
Feb 20, 2024
Stripping back the cult of ENO and just looking at the music, Music For Airports has got it all. Forget the Isaac Newton-y backstory (TLDR: Eno is bedridden while recuperating after being hit by a car, friend visits and puts on record, volume too low to “hear” properly, turntable too far to reach, the idea of music as room “tint” ensues), and the brilliance of the technical execution, the tunes are what matter here. I actually met ENO once, yes, in an airport. I associate this music along with a lot of the ENO cannon as the search for a romantic life. That there is more going on than meets the eye, but only if you look for it. Also the idea of Eno as the consummate “non-musician” is very appealing/comforting to me. Eno apparently said he sought to create music “as ignorable as it is interesting” which is great, and is coincidentally the basis of my personality.
Apr 6, 2021

Top Recs from @katemauthe

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This movie took me a little bit to get into, but I’m chalking that up to its less than ideal English dub, therefore I suggest you watch it in the original Japanese version with subtitles. Very visually beautiful movie with a very creative concept, it’s made by the same creators of Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers just so you know what to expect. 
Mar 5, 2025