“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.” — Fred Rogers
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1d ago
1d ago
@MARXINISTA I am so full of love that you associate me with him!!! 🥰
1d ago
1d ago

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Not everybody gets one but when you do, you know. It's also worth finding them and letting them know they were good. Guaranteed way to make someone's day
Feb 8, 2024
such an honor and a joy — look around, there’s opportunity to do this everywhere
Oct 19, 2024
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“The world is so distressing and cruel right now, especially with what our leaders are saying, it’s almost like comedy and joy is like a flower that needs to be cared for, and it needs to be in a peaceful garden where someone is watering it and taking care of it. I think the answer is empathy, getting people to recognize what binds all human beings together, regardless of their economic status or their race or where they have come from or where they are going, empathy is what is going to get us out of the mess that we are currently in.” I said that a few years ago to an interviewer. It holds very true today. Empathy is not overrated. It’s what will make you a better person. The Union Station organization helps the homeless and that’s a good place to start. Pay it forward. One day you might need some kindness.
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I haven’t been on Twitter for years and hardly touch FB, but I had been an active user on Instagram since 2012. I really like taking and sharing photos, and that had always been a fun place to do it. No more. With the changes the content moderation changes they’re making, leaving LGBTQ+ folks vulnerable to be targeted; their rolling back of DEI programs; their willing participation in far-right rhetoric and politics; it’s all too much and I’m out. As if Meta’s platform hadn’t already been increasingly enshittified, this was the final straw to announce how much worse it will get. And you know what? It feels freeing. Better to leave it behind and find new platforms to connect with people.
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The guy got my attention with, “Hey, I like your shoes.” Just like that, he had me. We talked about where I bought the shoes and how I used to work in the shoe industry. He used to work in the beer industry but had recently become independently wealthy because of an investment opportunity he started with a few of his friends. ”You get to be your own boss,” he told me. Your boot could be on your own neck. We’re back to the topic of shoes. He told me it’s a small investment to get started but things are really taking off and I could get in on the ground floor. I could quit my job. Work for myself. Had I ever considered doing something like that? “No,” I said with a shrug. I walked away with my jar of peanut butter. I can’t remember if it was creamy or crunchy. Probably crunchy. Nice guy!
Feb 25, 2025
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In its heyday in the 1100s, Cahokia — located across the Mississippi river from modern-day St Louis — was the center for Mississippian culture and home to tens of thousands of Native Americans who farmed, fished, traded and built giant ritual mounds. Cahokia had a population between 15,000 - 20,000 people. That’s believed to be larger than contemporaneous London and Paris! So before you get all, “Oh man, America sucks cuz it’s so new and doesn’t have any history.” WRONG! It’s just not European, white people history! People were here and they were building things and sneaking into the city to go to the club! America (the modern day, Imperialist country) does suck though. Sorry.