I like watching older movies and sort of figuring out a fit by doing a very casual cosplay / recreation. pulpy 70s sci fi is a bed of inspo for this. Logan’s run inspired me to buy green tights from the halloween section to pair w my more floaty tops/tunics. Biggest thing is to be a critic and then ask yourself why you like something or don’t, this helps not just w individual outfit info but developing / keeping true to your tastes.
Also watching the current runway shows on Youtube is a lovely way to experience high fashion, art, music, etc in one. A fun and worthwhile way to spend an afternoon for anyone even vaguely interested in or curious about fashion imo.
Look critically at the fits and what you like and why you like it, what’s successful, what colors or silhouettes are you gravitating towards, etc. Then revisit some old fashion shows too, old Mughler is so fun imo and the Alexander McQueens are campy vampy classics.
You really don’t need to look to anyone who is your peer or contemporary for fashion advice, look above and beyond and scale it down for your personal style / lifestyle.