I LOVE PHYSICAL MEDIA!! I love doing anything I can to have something in physical form in this age of things only being on your phone. Tickets for concerts and movies and rides, dvds, cds, vinyls, paperback books, I need all of it!!!
CD's are great, can get like 10 for 5 bucks at thrift shops and everyone overlooks them. Rip to your music library and there you go, high quality music forever
whether films, books, vinyls or cds - physical media is great and important. nothing more satisfying than seeing your collection grow and being able to watch/listen to anything you want, no matter if it’s on a streaming service or not
I started seriously collecting (if you can call it serious) physical media about a year ago, about the same time I got into film photography. I love going through the VHS, DVDs, and cassettes at thrift stores. I don’t have tons of vinyl bc they’re expensive but I like those too, and I have tons of books of course. :)
Blu-ray, vinyl records, maybe cassettes are your thing! Physical media is underrated.
Some reasons physical media is great.
• It’s fun to curate a collection of favorites
• They come in fun packagin and sometimes include fun bonuses (cards, stickers, bonus features/tracks)
• Streaming services suck. They’re like landlords for your favorite movies and TV shows.
I think it is so silly that people that usually prefer black coffee hate on people who like really sweet coffee. The fact we have so many different kinds of coffee is lovely