I watched a youtube video recently called “How trying became cool again” and i couldn’t recommend it more. In 2020 i think we reached a peak of being ourselves without embarrassment playing a factor in it. However as much as i love my phone i know social media has ruined being “carefree“ Every 3rd video you see is a far away POV of some random person living their life and someone making fun of it. It certainly makes me scared to express myself but this video highlights some of the biggest artists started putting effort in their craft again, started maybe looking less than perfect again all for the sake of their art. i hope to see the culture shift and we can highlight being a bit cringe again being whoever we want to be
1d ago

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I recently watched this video as well! I think the age of social media has made a lot of people too anxious to truly dive into their passions and try new things. It feels nice that we’re starting to flip the script a little bit. I’m tired of being so scared all the time to be myself and really experience life to its fullest. I want to be whimsical and cringe and human!
1d ago
@SAV_LIVES yes!! i hope it continues on that way bc oops you saw me be human i have to become a shell of myself now. no!!! it is so cool to exist. keep on being you and unlearning any shame social media has pushed.
1d ago
@KYBIES Exactly!!! I wish you all the best in your endeavors as well :) I recently went to a dance class for the first time since I was a kid, and it was incredibly scary, but I realized how much I miss dancing and artistic pursuits On another note, I also think “cringe” culture and shaming on social media also targets a lot of neurodivergent people, minorities, etc. because of what society unfortunately deems as “normal/acceptable/mainstream.” What are your thoughts on this?
18h ago
@SAV_LIVES i’m glad to hear you got over that first step!! it is so normal like in the real world for adults to get into things it just seems so socially off on social media. hope it helps you heal <3 Also 100% i agree. it’s kinda like how if a objectively attractive person does something weird it’s obviously a joke but if someone less attractive does it it’s serious and they’re weird and a freak. a lot of the mockery and parodies on tiktok follow this type of thing as well and just further stigmatizes some obvious neurodivergent behavior
13h ago
@KYBIES Yes!!! I also got to see a bunch of older folks join the dance class (which was an introduction to bachata). It was pretty cool to see :) Good point as well concerning conventional beauty standards and their impact on how we perceive certain posts and videos. Going back to your point about 2020- I keep remembering how nice it was that a variety of different people were trying out alternative styles and activities. Up until very recently, it felt like life was almost being filtered into these neat little consumable bits of media (gotta love those algorithms lol) Anyway, thanks for the good conversation!
11h ago
I’m the oldest Gen Z (27) and I got on this bandwagon that started about maybe two years ago about this immense hater vibe for millennials and the stuff they liked/did back in the day. honestly, people still hate on others for just being apart of a generation. I was a preteen at that time so maybe I’m cringing at my preteen self but like damn, irony and mockery is so popular. I’ve taken a step back and just thought how many people my age can be so callous.
1d ago
@BENNYLIQUID people seem to not know that the wheel of time is also coming for them. there’s a hater for everything out there no matter what so no point in trying to perform in a perfect way because it’s never enough. glad you’ve been able to take a step back and realize it’s your life and you’re in control here regardless!!
1d ago
nathan zed has been out here for so many years making quality stuff throughout internet eras. glad to see him out here still
1d ago
This is a good essay
1d ago
@LUCIUS the video does it so much more justice but it’s such an interesting concept to me. he compares a lot of old cultures versus now and how much it really has just killed life
1d ago
@KYBIES I was referring to both. Good intro by you and the video makes great observations.
1d ago
You can embed links to posts!! The little 🔗 icon
1d ago
@GRAPE thank you!! i just did, im new to this app so getting around to all the features still : D
1d ago
@KYBIES yeah I saw you joined like yesterday and figured you had no clue lol
1d ago
@GRAPE haha i appreciate the grace period
1d ago

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the social internet (and rapid, inescapable commercialization thereof) makes it so that you are what you consume, not what you do, not where you go, not who you spend your time with. before if you bought the clothes or the gear without doing it or without being in community, you were a poser. if you monetized or commercialized that interest and put those incentives over expression and connection, you were a sellout. but that doesn’t exist anymore — democratization and anti-gatekeeping as both ideas and ends of an algorithm to maximize surface area for consumption have made it so that there isn’t a distinct authority on what you can attach to your identity or how you express yourself but if the extent of our agency in a democratized landscape is to only to consume more instead of producing or connecting, or to produce only to commodify ourselves for money or internet points, then maybe it’s a different kind of “being influenced by social trends rather than authentic interest” than going to a skate park, or an open mic, or a restaurant, or whatever because we heard about it somewhere and wanted to check it out, and de-centering the internet from what we see on it and how we engage with it is a way to make that healthier or more generative for ourselves, and can create beauty without immediately thinking about how to fit into a box along lines drawn by advertisers
Jan 15, 2025
I don't know how well this actually answers your initial question, I think it's more of a counterpoint to some of the stuff people have already said, but here it goes. In the past (prior to social media or search engines) specific styles, specialized knowledge, and niche awareness actually took effort. You had to go out into the world and find a scene, be accepted, participate in it, contribute to it, and learn from others with specific knowledge within the specific sub- or counter-cultural scene. It took time, effort, and experience to craft an identity. Nowadays people cycle through various identities and trends like commodities because it takes no effort (they're sold to them by social media algorithms, influencers, brand accounts, etc.). It comes to you in your phone without you ever even having to leave the house or put in the time to discover it or participate in it (you just follow specific people or subscribe). You can be a passive observer or consumer, not an active contributor. As a result, you're not invested or tied down and committed to that core identity. You can cosplay depending on your mood or who you want to momentarily convey yourself as, because it's easy. Essentially, being a poser has become normalized. An identity is now something to be momentarily consumed and affected, rather than grown, built, and developed over time. Granted, it's always been different in regards to "mass" culture and popular trends (both in the past and now). Those are impossible to miss and were always monopolized by specific trend setting institutions, but always by the time it gets to that point, the actual initial counter- or sub-culture that inspired it has already been coopted and has started to disintegrate under the weight and attention of mass consumption.
Feb 18, 2024

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cute coming of age movie with characters I can relate to through every struggle and the perfect amount of awkward teenness
1d ago
I’m here to improve my coolness. Some of you are being cloned in the lab(my room) and i hope that’s okay. I made a banging coffee this morning that cost me $0 and i will be working my grocery store job soon. I like the diary feelings of this app without the fear of not getting any likes. Peace ✌️
1d ago
honestly this was a read from childhood that has always stuck with me and i will go back to. it has such a whimsiness about it that makes you feel like a child again while reading it. gorgeous details that you can envision as well as a fun plot.
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