when i was like 9 and finally got this on dvd it was the only movie i would watch for a few months. still an extremely underappreciated film imo!! a visually stunning tale of overcoming loss and fighting expectations. has it's cheesy moments, but the cast sells every line. to this day, the final race is the most euphoric movie scene i've ever seen.
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2d ago

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oh my goddd I love this movie
2d ago
Speed Racer stans rise up !!!!!!!!
2d ago

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i can't give many recommendations because my own food habits are terrible but i think the trick is to start as simple as possible and get things that you just have to open, like you would candy or chips. my personal favorites are cashews, dried cherries, triscuits & greek yogurt !
3d ago
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since the beginning of the year i've been using elevate (linked). it gives you a few games to do every day and has been a quick and easy way to remind myself i do in fact have a working brain aside from that, just READ!! i know its a lame answer but i truly feel there's no better way to combat brain rot and increase your attention span. you don't even have to read anything serious - whatever you find fun or interesting, read about it instead of watching tiktoks/youtube videos.
6d ago