there is nothing better than being on either end of this scenario.. r u in a tough spot on a time crunch in a situation where someone else could help in any way (even just company)???? call a freakin friend. game changer. truly clefts the amount of time u need 2 spend in twain.
alSO. receiving that phone call? o 2 b the person someone calls in their hour of need!!!!!!
we've had our ups and downs together, im glad we could tough it out and come out the other side better, smarter, stronger, more tolerant of website latency. the pain makes our bond stronger.
those flashes of little warmth with some little dreaming, strange half consciousness interspersed between. sort of happens when I am not sleeping well but when it happens just right it’s a lil gift in an altered state. time passes so different n it feels like u unlocked a secret extra hour that the 40 hr work week said u couldn’t have