No image for this one, use your minds eye with me Yesterday I was walking down myrtle ave underneath the train with my cousin and aunt, we were on our way to a private event at the library (im looking great thank you for asking, wearing this silky floor length dress my aunt had just given to me with my only pair of heels i got for an insane discount on the real real that are definitely not extremely uncomfortable) We pass this couple embracing each other on the sidewalk, the sunlight has crept underneath the tracks and is illuminating the scene like a golden sheet laid over them. Nothing distracts the pair as they lock lips. I doubt they even register my gawking and if they did it certainly didn't matter to them. And almost as if the scene had been written, cast, and set-decorated: on the woman's shoulder hung a violently red bag that read "lovestruck." When we arrived at the subway station steps about two blocks later I looked back and saw them far in the distant still in each others hands. My aunt and cousin said that was excessive, but to me I couldn't think of anything more wonderful.

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