What's up with the stigma around FURRIES? I mean, I wouldn't wear a fursuit or anything, but they seem friendly, and from my knowledge, most are! If the whole point of being a furry is making a 'fursona' and being part of a big community or whatever- Why not make one? It seems kind of cool, actually. I know I can't just change people's perspectives on FURRIES, I mean, I still have this lingering feeling regarding the community- that they're a tad weird- but I don't want to hold that against them. I think it's the colorfulness. And stylization. If FURRIES were overall a bit less 'cartoonish' and with a darker palate, I think a lot more people would be cool with it. Not saying they need to change themselves. Just if they had started off that way in the first place. I don't know. Thanks for reading if you made it this far

Comments (4)

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yeah that's the main thing that put me off furries — why does the art style have to be so ugly? animals are really cool but it just seems to portray them in the least appealing way possible. true that they seem to be cool people though
2d ago
@FFH Agreed. The eyebrows and huge eyes and goofy grins are too much imo.
1d ago
i also don’t understand the stigma. i wouldn’t consider myself a furry, but i draw myself as a little yellow cat sometimes. i love drawing my friends as animals too.
2d ago
@PAPERPENDRAGON Right?! What's so wrong with connecting with the other specimen of this planet?
2d ago

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It is perhaps human nature to turn a stupid, sad looking freak of nature into something lovable, much like Rumpelstiltskin spins straw into gold. Is it human instinct to protect what by any other law of nature we should, at most, only pity? Pugs, with their repugnant faces, defective physiology, and wheezing capabilities matched only by 75 year old smokers? Orange cats, who most philosophers would argue are far too stupid to be truly malevolent, yet commit evil-doing on par with U.S congressman. That one blob fish species, who we barely even know anything about besides how extremely fucking ugly they are. And of course, adult men, who continue speaking. All a tribute to the instinct of humans to bond with, care for, nurture, and love, for its own sake. Despite of, or because of, all that may stand in our way.
Jan 29, 2025
recommendation image
On the one hand I’ve never hated a cat and I feel like I can get along with any of them or tame any stray/shy cat that I come across with time. I love how low-maintenance they are. I tend to prefer more gregarious dog-like cats, especially if they’re long-haired. I love a codependent clingy pet… it’s rarer for cats to be like that but it’s a lot more common in dogs, which is why I got one after losing the best cat I’ve ever had in my life. I love that having a dog is a LIFESTYLE and requires so much work because it forces me to structure my day around it but without the all-consuming nature of having a child? it’s kind of like having a little horse with the way you need to give them exercise, enrichment, and training. I enjoy playing zookeeper I guess. And it’s fun the way you can take them outside!! I used to have a cat who liked going out on a leash and harness but Bunny is not that type of girl. It’s a lot more likely for me to not like a dog than a cat and there are so many kinds of dogs I don’t really vibe with or connect to. But at the same time the fact that I can tolerate any dogs at all (especially my own monster Benny) makes me kind of a dog person? I don’t know I can’t answer this!!!
Nov 14, 2024
the truth of the matter is cats have always been better than dogs but moving to ny has made me dislike dogs as a whole. i still think theyre cute on an individual level and i like my friend's dogs, but not everyone needs a dog, especially since nobody wants to take responsibility for them. i feel like in other places (or at least in ct) there's a culture of shame around being an irresponsible dog owner. ive seen people get lambasted for having a poorly trained dog or for not picking up after them but it seems as though you cant do that here without being an evil bitch who hates animals. once i was sitting in the park and out of nowhere this huge dog knocked me over and started licking my face. i was totally skeeved out but the dog's owner was just like "sorry :P she's playful" like hello? what if i were crazy allergic or old as fuck? your irresponsibility could hurt someone! if you want a furry domestic terrorist, get a cat so it's your problem and not the world's.
Apr 9, 2024

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Good. Great. Awesome. Tasty. Creamy peanut butter is probably better for this, but I like crunchy better. I also eat crunchy peanut butter straight-up sometimes. Don't judge till you try it
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