somehow as i’ve grown up my disposition has only gotten more optimistic? i believe so wholeheartedly in things getting better. make plans, believe in goodness even when it feels a little delusional, look for the silver lining. i think it keeps you going.

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like... seriously. what's the harm in believing that everything will work out? obviously shit happens and there's definitely a chance things won't end up going your way, but what good does believing that serve you? does believing you won't succeed make your life better in any way? just want to think with more intention this year.. being more aware of how my thought patterns seep into my actions and behavior. it's so obvious, but it really is the simplest things that take the most time and effort to really understand.. i'd rather take on my life through a more optimistic lens than constantly expecting the worst, digging myself into a hole of self-pity and misery
Jan 7, 2025
Go outside and focus on one thing: greenery. Every time you see it, smile -- and you'll find yourself smiling more than you think. At the end of the day, like hinted in your question, it's all about perspective. Let yourself feel the feelings, but know that in the grand scheme of things -- all these issues are breaking down so people like us, the optimists, can take inspired action to create better solutions that serve society today and thus inspire more positive action to be taken by those influenced by our actions. Hope that helps <3 PS https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8TBuGMh/
Feb 13, 2024
it‘s a cliche for sure, but in recent years i have become a big believer in every event, good or bad, having some sort of purpose, whether it be a big or little one. i guess this helps me to stay content in the moment because it reminds me that, “hey! i know you might be upset about this thing right now, but it’ll work out. you just have to let it.” i am a big time worrier, and i always want to control situations as much as i can, but i have found that if i just let them play out, they’ll go the way they were meant to. (and if it’s not in a good way, at least it’s a good story). and, honestly, it helps me just remembering what a miracle it is to be alive at all; to have the blessing of living at the same time as the people i love; to feel the sun shine on my face in that very moment. we are so small in the grand scheme of things, but here we are!!! how wonderful is that!!! it’s like in ”vienna”: “slow down, you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time.”
Sep 24, 2024

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it’s beyond worth the effort. it feels so good to love people well :)
Mar 3, 2025
i think it’s so sweet. whatever sway i do or don’t have over the fates i’m offering it to you!
Mar 5, 2025
maybe it’s just that i’m young enough that the novelty hasn’t worn off yet but i love becoming more of an adult every year. as a teenager i was so terrified of not being one anymore but i love being in my twenties so far. so much of it is hard and uncomfortable and there’s so much uncertainty and still! i wouldn’t go back ever ever ever. i have more perspective to weather the uncertainty better, i’m so much less insecure and preoccupied with how i come off to other people, and if i want to change my behavior or my life i have so much more freedom to do it! and i’ll only get more conscious and more interesting as i get older! how fucking cool. also as someone who really had to grow into my features it’s a nice bonus that i’ll probably get hotter and have better skin as i get older.
Feb 13, 2025