He would have been 101 today 🤍 this was his navy photo from when he was 15. He was a ward of the state, so he was able to join as a minor and was quickly sent to Pearl Harbor. the best person I’ve ever known. despite going through arguably the worst set of circumstances growing up, he was the most loving and caring human on earth. just wanted to share his photo and tell the internet how much I loved him 🥹
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Comments (6)

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this is so lovely!! 🥰🥹
1d ago
1d ago
15 in ww2 is crazy. what a fascinating life to lead
2d ago
@CAPTNPHOEBUS literally went from the San Francisco orphanage to pearl harbor. it’s both devastating and remarkable 😭
1d ago
he has such kind eyes!
2d ago
@FFH he really did 🥹 people always said he had a twinkle in his eyes and when I was like 8 or 9 I asked my grandma if I had the twinkle too and she straight up was like 🥰no🥰 lmmffaaooooo
2d ago

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go find that weird grumpy old man you’re related to and give him a god damn hug — nothing to talk about? Ask him about when he was a sailor! my Grandad spent about 45 mins today showing me pictures of boats and talking about them like they were people. highly recommend.
Jan 28, 2024
my grandad is one of the best people out there and he’s about to die, i’m very glad we got to do so much stuff together and become friends. our relationship really shaped me. visit your grandparents :)
May 5, 2024
i love my grandpa and i miss him
Feb 13, 2024

Top Recs from @nataliemcm

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Shortly after 9/11 my family and I were going on our first flight together to Alaska. My dad and I went through security and went into the clam chowder restaurant at the end of it. But for some reason my mom and brother were still held up. We sat down and kept waiting until my mom screamed “HE HAS A KNIFE!!!!???????“. My dad went to investigate but my brother and mom were swarmed by the military and they told my dad he couldn’t come closer. So then he came back to the restaurant (there was a big window in the front of it where I could see everything unfold) and he was panicking and pacing saying that we were gonna get put on the no fly list. I just sat there calmly amongst our luggage while absolute chaos was unleashed before my little 9 year old eyes. This was not my first rodeo. My mom was still screaming and causing a scene and my brother was being taken away by troops. I can’t remember where my mom went next.. or where my dad was anymore. I just remember sitting there calmly and waiting to learn what my fate was. Apparently the men with the AK47s questioning my brother were very nice and felt bad for him cause he was so scared (probably more scared of my mom then them tbh). What happened is that he had packed his own luggage and decided there were three very important things to take with him. 1: a cup and balls Magic trick, which was three metal cups stacked on top of each other and encased in a purple velvet pouch 2. His clear game boy advance AND charger. The issue was that in order to save space, he wrapped the charger (still connected to the game boy) around the magic trick pouch. 3. A switch blade. Cause we were going to Alaska and what if he needed it? Unfortunately it DID look like a bomb and a knife going through the scanner. They let him keep his magic trick and the game boy, but they confiscated the knife. Anyways this pic is of me after we were reunited and weren’t put on the no fly list. ready to go to Alaska with my arctic animal tee.