I was mostly interested in this initally because of my own connection to the color blue, this did not disappoint whatsoever. A beautiful memoir of love, lust and loss and self exploration all while she’s in almost a manic state over the color blue. The format may not be for everyone but I loved it as someone who is particular with poetry. the short paragraph style made me really sit and reread what she was saying. All around so beautiful, definitely vulgar lol but i’m always rereading this book for comfort!
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Maggie Nelson is so wonderful ❤️‍🩹
1d ago

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a beautiful book exploring love, loss, grief, and other deeply personal experiences through the colour blue. I recently reread this book and fell in love with it again. It felt like I was reading a completely different book compared to when I read it a few years ago. I think that’s due to my growth as a person and the experiences I’ve had between the last read and when I read it now. I imagine that if I were to pick it up again 10 years from now, it would feel different again. It grows with you. It’s hard not to get teary eyed. “trying not to think about you, about my having lost you. but how can it be? how can it be? was I too blue for you. was I too blue.”
Mar 20, 2024
devastatingly short but conveniently so since I return to it often I said wow out loud maaany many times while reading it is just perfection!!
Mar 12, 2024
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both by Toni Morrison. More heavy, intense, uncompromising than the descriptors in the ask but close enough – any opportunity to rec Toni Morrison simply must be taken. She writes characters like no one else – incredibly full of life. She writes about the complex experience of blackness and of girlhood/womanhood with incredible candor and care. It’s both extremely personal and always political. TW: probably everything, so please be wary if you have sensitivities to traumatic shit.
May 13, 2024

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I’m with you on patchouli, it’s basically the only thing my mother wears. -musty thrift shop, not a goodwill since we only recently got one near me, it’s not the same as a good church thrift. -glossier you, i’ve worn it since freshmen year of highschool. it smells vaguely of pencil shavings to me, which adds to the school nostalgia. oh and pancakes, with a whole lot of butter, so good.
Feb 21, 2025
I believe im currently on my 3rd rewatch, it gets better everytime, I’ve picked up on so many good lines and small scenes that are just so so good. Truly my partner and I eat it up everytime.
Mar 6, 2025