To the readers: I highly recommend Capybaras: The giant cavy rodent native to my home continent of South America, and extremely prevalent in my birth country of Brazil.I came to discover Capybaras a few years ago. I was perplexed, the babies were tiny and very cute. The adults were also cute but larger. They look extremely soft and I would love to pet them one day. They are extremely popular in Japan and on the internet. I recommend the video “Capybara balances orange on head”, which can be found on Youtube. The first time I saw a Capy, I thought to myself, “What the fuck is that?”. They’re giant guinea pigs but also look like my friend’s dog. Their stoic faces look like they are extremely intelligent. I have a firm belief, given the right resources they could be the first to colonize Mars. They are also very relaxed and friends with many animals you would think they wouldn’t get along with, such as crocodiles and giraffes.