Guys I finally figured this out after like 5 years of being an Apple Music subscriber. And the amount of times I almost switched to Spotify because "the recs are sm better" isn't even funny. I stayed true to Apple Music and finally discovered this station that actually plays you NEW music that you've never played before. It's called the Discovery Station and it's been on repeat for like a week for me and I'd say it's like 90% artists I've never heard before. When it plays artists I know, it's songs I've never heard. Crazzzy how I didn't know about this for so many years. So if you knew about this and never told me I'm kinda pissed off
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4d ago

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I always say that Apple Music is for people who already know their music taste, and get recs from random places. But the discovery station is pretty goated
4d ago
@TAKINGTHEHELM lowkey agreed for years... until I found this station. I've been on a high since I've found this ONE competent discovery method buttt for how mainstream of a platform it is, there should defo be more ways to discover music
3d ago

Related Recs

These aren't curated playlists, they're just a collection of any new songs I discover and really like, or old songs I re-fall in love with. I then give each playlist a name that references how I feel or an event that happened that month. I was in a similar place to you a couple of years ago, but I've found doing this really helps me track my tastes and experiences every month, which I find is quite helpful in our streaming-dominated musicscape. When I used to actually download songs, it was easy to scroll through my library and be reminded of artists I'd forgotten about or had only listened to a couple of times. I've found that with streaming its really easy to lose track of who you listen to and enjoy, so it really flattens everything and causes you to either rely on the algorithm or your go-to past artists. As far as discovering new artists goes, there are still a few reliable sites and publications that review new albums (paste, gorilla vs. bear, pitchfork (sort of), etc.). I also like following or signing up for email newsletters (gasp!) from specific indie record labels that I enjoy. If you like several artists on the label, then chances are you'll like more, and they always notify you when something new is being released. Same goes for local venues. Check out the small stage acts coming through or various openers, even if you don't actually make it to the show. This is also a great way to get plugged into the local scene and it keeps you young, sort of.
Feb 29, 2024

Top Recs from @VZA

If I'm in the right headspace and I'm not hungry and don't have to pee. And I have music playing and my cats aren't in a crazy mood. Unironically if one of these things aren't true I will probably get distracted
10h ago
I've recently loved going down "related recs" rabbit holes. I feel the algorithm is so oddly spot on in suggesting posts with similar intention and context. Even when the recs aren't suuuper related they're usually still worth a read and share some of the same words lol plus if your rec doesn't have a ton of identical related recs, it probably means you're super unique and different!!! Jk but isn't it crazy how when something is designed for the purpose of user experience and enjoyment rather than engagement and profit people tend to like it a lot more. It's rare these days so you love to see it
1d ago
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Ignorant to the distracting whereabouts of those within the immediate vicinity of my car, spending time in my driver's seat after completing a task (whether it be a day at work or even a short errand) has been revelational to my inner peace Ironically, stepping out in public spaces often unsettles me. But place me in my car in the busiest parking lot full of judgemental people and I'll still find peace of mind, even though I'm entirely visible to the public. Why??? Maybe something about being in my car makes me feel normal. That could be it... what a nice feeling that is!!! This is ruined when I make eye contact with someone outside. They're just a friendly person, going to the park, or heading into their apartment, right? Right!!! Until they come back, and they see you still in your car. How humiliating. I like to think that this is a rare occurence. I try not to intentionally make eye contact too often though so I could be totally wrong I like to sit in my car while it's off, eat a snack, enjoy a scroll, or call a friend. When I either get too hot or too cold I know it's time to move on with my day. This is why fall and spring are the best seasons. Temperatures are more accomodating for my decompress-in-car time I'm writing this in the parking lot of one of my favorite local thrift stores. So far, I'm unhumiliated and feeling optimistic about my day!! I hope you are experiencing similar feelings today!!!
2d ago