oh golly oh gee... I’m honored that anyone here on PI.FYI even recognizes me!! how sweet to be thought of. uhhhh as for who I am and what I’m about: my name is Ethyn, I’m 22, I’m American (flyover state), cultural Catholic, my favorite color is purple, of a forgiving disposition I’ve been using this app basically since launch (?) bc a tiktok mutual was clued in on the ground floor and I got the invite lol. I consider myself a very curious and open-minded person and something I love about this place is how committed it is to sincerity, such that I can no longer stand the casual cruelty and close-mindedness of almost all other social media. so PI.FYI is the only social media I’m active on anymore. I suppose the reason I’m more of a lurker is because I love getting to read recs from others (and I’m pretty liberal with the like button) but I feel strange reccing something if I’m not like 100% behind it lol. like there’s gonna be a test. I’ll also go two days or so without logging on and then I’ll catch up on all the recs I missed so it results in a spam for my mutuals <3 As far as interests, I generally consider myself to be an ooky and kooky type of person. I love art in all mediums, but especially films, books, paintings, and poetry. I’ve rec’d PLENTY of all four if you care to take a look :) I’ll make the occasional lifestyle rec but most of the stuff I talk about on here is art. Lol since the earliest days of this site I’ve kinda harped on the function of story as the thing that makes us human, and myth as manifestations of the collective unconscious. This is one of my most foundational beliefs and lenses for the world. Another common theme you’ll see in my recs is my love for the classics. Classic movies, classic books, all of it!! I think if something is classic there’s almost always a reason, and I think it’s important to understand foundations of influence for art that comes after. Everything is in context!!!! Everything is interdependent!!!! some of my favorite films: The Wicker Man (1973), Goodfellas (1990), Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010), Viy (1967), Nosferatu (1922), The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) some of my favorite literature: All of Edgar Allan Poe, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, the work of William S. Burroughs, the work of Yasunari Kawabata, and all world myth categorically. I want to affirm becoming!!!! I want to exist in service of the liberation of the full breadth of human potential!!! I want to be ripped screaming and bloody from the womb!!!! I will incarnate just to touch the wound ten thousand more times!!!!
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Comments (15)

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PI user @BISONSPIDER I like your style and also your dedication to exclamation.
16h ago
@BUMBYTHEFOOL thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16h ago
we love you Ethyn
17h ago
@TYLER and i love the january 2024 sign up date.. a real one
17h ago
@TYLER we love you and PI.FYI Tyler
16h ago
the original Wicker Man <3 amazing
17h ago
@TYLER this also stuck out to me, what an incredible film. i wish i could watch it for the first time again every october
16h ago
I FEEL THIS WITH MY WHOLE SOUL: *I want to affirm becoming!!!! I want to exist in service of the liberation of the full breadth of human potential!!! I want to be ripped screaming and bloody from the womb!!!! I will incarnate just to touch the wound ten thousand more times!!!!*
18h ago
Hell yeah I’m there with ya
18h ago
WOW! In the best possible way: WOW!
19h ago
Absolutely delighted to know more of you. Thank you ✨🪩
23h ago
Beautifully written, thank you for sharing!! I’m so glad you’re here in this space with us! 💗 look how much joy you bring by simply showing us likes and appreciation?
1d ago
You were literally the first user I thought of when I saw @MOSSYELFIE’s post !!! This was an absolute delight, I’m so glad to know your lore !!! :)
1d ago
this genuinely made me so happy, thank you for this wonderful introduction!! your outlook towards this cyberspace (and art and life in general) is beautiful and refreshing, especially online! yes to affirming becoming!!!
1d ago
@WORLDONFIRE @VALOORIE @MOSSYELFIE thank u so much this is all so kind <3 <3 <3
16h ago

Related Recs

i’m not sure what area you’re studying/working on, and which is the basis of your essay - also, as a newbie who isn’t well-versed on the culture here - i guess i’ll just say some random misc thoughts about my experience so far! there is something about this interface, i.e. the fonts, the emojis, the formatting, the colours, etc, that’s all so incredibly nostalgic of early tech. it looks like an elevated version of the bare websites they had us build with html/css in ict class. it also feels like a more text- and community-based tumblr, another platform that i found a lot of comfort and joy being on. i don’t have the introspection or technical knowledge to pinpoint what exactly it is about PI, and similar platforms (like tumblr) that makes them safe and comforting/less stressful to use compared to others, so i’d be interested in seeing whether this is something your essay will touch on, or define! maybe it’s because it’s still new and with a smaller user base than Big SM™️ sites, but the culture here doesn’t seem to care about how many followers you have, or in getting the highest amount of engagement on everything you post! it‘s an even playing field where everyone i‘ve seen is just enthusiastic, helpful and thoughtful in their recs or general comments. a small detail, but i also like that specific “like“ numbers aren’t displayed - it (maybe unintentionally?) removes a lot of subliminal pressure to up that figure! PI is a happy, unencumbered space that makes you feel like a (pre-)teen exploring early tech and social platforms again, except instead of it being a collection of people u know irl, it’s basically a bunch of friends from all over. and that’s something that’s been sorely missed, or perhaps even erased, from the cultures of other social media sites. there’s so much individualism and criticism there, and when you don’t receive engagement, you’re basically talking to yourself bc the algorithm won’t pick up your posts & have them show up for other people. there’s always something so special and personal when social sites such as this are in their early days, when the people participating are still genuine in their pursuit on them. the people gravitating towards being here are probably looking for the same thing as well, so i hope for nothing more than for it to stay like this.
Apr 26, 2024
recommendation image
i’ve been trying to articulate why i enjoy this space so much. yes, the UX is reminiscent of Tumblr and the early days of the internet. and there’s genuine sincerity and vulnerability on here that makes it feel really cozy and real, which i haven’t felt online in at least a decade. but i think what’s undergirding my love of this space is how anti-capitalist it feels. most of the recs everyone shares are vibe-checks, quality of life shifts, meditations and offers, music and movies, just plain good art. i don’t feel compelled to buy anything when i come here. i feel excited and pumped to be a cheerleader, find connection, find common ground. and FWIW the recs i’ve shared that have gotten the most traction are my suggestions for leading a less capitalistic / consumerist life (quitting Amazon, getting off of Spotify, building community to take care of you and your things). all of this is to say, i love it here and i love you guys.
Feb 7, 2025
THE LONGING TO COLLAB AND CREATE WITH OTHER CREATIVE BEINGS IS SO STRONG. so unbelievably tired of robot people that i now find myself shouting out into the abyss of this random website i stumbled across. not knowing if anyone will ever even see this, but i honestly don't care at this point im just over ignoring the gnawing urge whispering (now yelling) at me to put myself out there. despite this whole post reekinggggg of desperation, i swear im someone that has peace in their personal world of creative expression and growth no matter how unideal my circumstances are. im just very aware of the certain limitations that come with isolation and the certain freedoms that come when you push outside comfy ol'reliable, mr.solitary. i believe that collaboration with other creatives is a major key to inspiration, pushing boundaries, raw vulnerability, and elevating self: ingredients that produce truly delicious art. anyways, if your seeing this and agree with any of it or wanna support my art or wanna talk about cool shi etc. don't hesitate to interact, i swear im a kind person that just has a deep love for all art/creative expression and those who love it too (i say in hopes of not sounding extremely cheesy and creepy) :) xoxo, everywhere
Jan 29, 2025

Top Recs from @bisonspider

study the folklore and myth of your actual local region. live your daily life under the logic of fairytales. communicate as heavily as possible in proverbs and riddles. humans are a storytelling creature and there is a reason these archetypes and motifs appear to humans across times/cultures/places
Feb 13, 2024
Substack that emails you the entirety of Bram Stoker’s Dracula in real time. since the novel is composed of diary entries, it sends you the diary entries day by day so you can read it on the same timeline in which it takes place. it started earlier this month but it’s not too late to catch up!! or you could wait until next may. classics can be intimidating but this gives you the opportunity to read it in daily segments in your email and follow along in an immersive way :)
May 20, 2024
lots of great recs here, but if you want horror that is more based in storytelling and has a bit more on its mind than just slashers or gore you should check out folk horror or older horror films from the 60s/70s. as others have recommended, The Wicker Man (1973) is a must. Rosemary’s Baby (1968) is also a classic. The VVitch (2015) is also fantastic as an intro to more conceptual horror. you said you wanted deeper cuts, so check out Viy (1967) or Alucarda (1977), both of which i’ve posted more detailed recs for on my profile. also!!!! i don’t know how you feel about silent/b&w films but Nosferatu (1922) is an all-time genre mainstay that still holds up. Ari Aster’s work is great but it’s probably more gruesome than you’re looking for. have fun!!!
Apr 24, 2024