Being able to chat all day is a gift in many ways (connection with others, being an interesting person, etc) but it can be so gratifying to finally be alone and notice how the cacophony has died out.
after spending the whole day interacting with other people i really like to look forward to when i get off work and i can drive around or just sit in my car in the parking lot. i'll either watch a show on my phone or read a book or listen to music or literally sit in silence. especially helps if you live with roomates or otherwise don't have your own space. i find this is great for me bc i feel like a little hamster in my own isolated ball having my enrichment time which then makes me feel reenergized to be around others. its low energy too if you don't feel like going for a walk but still want to be outside getting fresh air.
i don't mean being rude and antisocial, but rather just enjoying being present at the event without feeling the need to have to talk to people all the time. sometimes it's nice to just chill with ppl and not feel compelled to make small talk if it doesn't come naturally