i love fermenting and kombucha especially! go to yr local wine making store to get the proper fermenting bottles with flip tops, it should help with explosions. Burping your bottles in the second ferment should also help, but I donโ€™t do this cause I find you loose a lot of carbonation. Stick it in the fridge for 2 days or so before opening to calm down the carbonation and you should be good. Excellent flavour combinations include melon mint, strawberry mint, pinapple and hops! Play around with the tea you ferment with: elderflower tea makes a beautiful lychee-esque flavour. I want to try coffee kombucha next >:)
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also full disclosure this is mead not kombucha in this pic, you might not get this clarity on your kombuchas hehe
1d ago

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it's so fun and tasty. don't be afraid about the bottles breaking--as long as you get the flip top kind that are meant for brewing you'll be fine. I've had a few instances when i opened the bottle and kombucha exploded everywhere which is shocking and a mess to clean up but also hilarious. the way to avoid this is to refrigerate the bottles before opening (carbonation is less intense at lower temps ig) my fav go-to flavor is lemon and ginger... nothing really beats that for me.. but its fun to switch it up by adding pomegranate or blueberry or whatever. the last batch i put in a bunch of kumquats i took from my neighbors tree and tbh it was not very good. wayy too tart. you'll figure it out
pretty easy to do, much cheaper and you can choose your own flavours
Feb 6, 2024
Nobody told me this magic drink from the gods was so delicious! I've only ever drank water, juice and soda seldomly but i'm slowly delving into a deeper beverage bag - definitely at the top of the list. Watermelon komucha + Lemon + Elderberry syrup is a hit
Jan 9, 2025

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