I suck at articulating exactly how I feel/what I think about the music I like, but here's how I describe this album: delicate, yet withering; spacey; brooding; smokey; dream-like
1d ago

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Perfect album 10/10 no notes
1d ago

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Have been listening to this a lot this week as the weather has cooled down. I think this is the album that really got me hooked on Sonic Youth, before they didn’t click as much to me some reason or maybe I didn’t spend enough time listening. The vibe of the album totally matches the cover, dark, chaotic, and fierce. Highlights for me- Shadow of a Doubt is such an incredible song, so cinematic, atmospheric, dreamlike, with the palpable longing and confusion in Kim Gordon’s voice cutting through. Starpower brings a hypnotic, driven drum beat while the ominous guitar feedback between vocals both provides a perfect accent and gives me chills every time. Expressway to Yr Skull (named Madonna, Sean, and Me on this version of the album) is a classic long ender, a fun fact is that on the vinyl version, the track list shows an infinity symbol as the song length, because the song uses a locked groove, allowing it to play forever after it completes!
Oct 17, 2024

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5h ago
- hybrid of grapefruit + tangerine - easy to peel - my go-to substitute for sour candy
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