Monkeys used to be my favorite animal since I was gifted a stuffed animal of one by my aunt when I was born. These days my favorite animal is probably a horned lizard or seahorse…
anyways got this at the zoo today!
fascinating animals, remarkably intelligent like all primates, I was tempted to say orangutans but gibbons cohabitate with them and it’s a very cool relationship. A friend “adopted” one for me as a birthday gift, this is Courtney, and I love her
Every other video on my instagram explore/Tik Tok feed is of a monkey riding on a dog's back or a baby pig cuddling with a turtle or like a cat grooming a raccoon. It's wild and beautiful and so pure. I actually save them when I see them because I know I'll want to go back and watch some whenever I'm sad.
once my brother told me if I was an animal I’d be a slow loris. I didn’t know what that was so I looked it up and was mortified. However, I have grown to be obsessed with these creatures. So here we are!
I went to this place that sells frozen yogurt called Arctic Ape and I think was really all the toppings that made me so excited. Is it more about the toppings or the frozen yogurt itself? I happened to go while there was some deal where it was 5$ no matter what, it was awesome. What Do you put on your frozen yogurt?
I went to the dog park for the first time in my life. It was beautiful to see all the dogs together living their free life. This dog is mine!
For a minute I was a human in a dog world 🍃