Omg GOD,,,, The last persons disography that ive liked this much was Billie Eilish,, I hope he gets HUGE

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omg 😳😳😳😳😳😳 going to listen rn
4d ago
@CHRONICWEBUSER Let me know what you think ❀️❀️
4d ago

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dude i’m so late to the game he’s amazing. i get to see him live in may and i’m crazy excited. streaming numbers aren’t everything but he definitely deserves to break a million on multiple tracks, especially considering all the heavy hitters he’s collaborated with. booth acad3my off channel 3m is one of the most interesting things ive heard in a while
Mar 30, 2024

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I see you posting, I love seeing you posting, I hope you love me seeing your little post
It's just soo cozy, all I wanna do is make some coffee and paint but nooo work beccons me
Sounds a wee bit crazy, but I am serious. Now, I am not fully justifying his reasonings, but I also will not sit here and say I was a golden child. However,,, With how often my phone was taken away as a Kid, I really think it helped me become less dependent on it. I typically leave my phone at home if I am out being social (and my boyfriend brings his, you know, for emergency). During those times, it helped me gain other hobbies of the internet, like offline games on consoles, drawing, painting, writing, hell anything creative, I was trying to figure out a way to do it. That has helped me gain more interest in continuing that instead of doom-scrolling. So, in a way, thanks dad!