It is the ONLY tea that comes close to helping my sugar cravings. I could have multiple desserts a day. I can’t keep sweets in the house bc I finish them. This tea satisfies my need for sweet. Cocoa cinnamon and licorice. It is so so good
Got lasik about a year ago and fell off on using lubricating eye drops. Started up again and it’s incredible how dry eye can make you feel fatigued and like ugly I don’t know how else to describe it. Your eyes might be dry just from staring at a screen even if you haven’t had lasik. Something to consider, remembering to use them has made me feel like a thriving human again whenevr I notice I’m tired and losing focus for no reason
Iconic hits interspersed with beautiful songs, her voice is velvet, all unskippable either as background or for a real contemplative listen, all about love and devotion