I would LOVE aquarium walls like at rainforest cafe. The caustic light, the FISHIES!! On the other hand, some rough terry cloth would be so comforting. I have a well-loved teddy bear who's so matted that she feels like terry cloth.
2d ago

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I’m not going to lie, I used to be the type to cringe at adults whose beds were covered in stuffed animals and still do believe there should be a cut off but I just recently began growing my family of plushies and it’s really upgraded my lounging time, of which there is a lot of. Sometimes I’m not sure what my overall aesthetic is or how I want my home to look but I think it’s somewhere between Korean minimalism and straight up age regressed paradise. I’m unashamed of the joy it brings me to walk into a store, suddenly come across a plushie I feel drawn to and bring it home with a newfound name/personality. My first one was a four foot teddy bear handed down to me by a follower after I posted how much I wanted a giant teddy bear. Shout out to them. His name is Genji, named after Murasaki Shikibu’s “The Tale of Genji”: a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century centered on the life and loves of a handsome son born to an Emperor. Then, I have a Harbour seal who’s name I forgot so I renamed him Melvin, a grey bunny named Roger and a pink squishmallow named Martha May Vicky Christina Barcelona. I don’t know why they’re mostly male so don’t ask me. I look forward to extending this family.
Dec 6, 2022
they’re like emotional support animals for when you’re allergic to pets and too irresponsible to keep other living entities alive
Aug 5, 2024

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Now drink 5 glasses of vodka, and the wall moves on its own!
Mar 2, 2025
Decomposition is the bridge between life and death, the little bit of tape that makes it the *circle* of life, non-linear. I'm OBSESSED lately. When we die, it's the natural process that fungi, bacteria, and other microbes ultimately consume our physical bodies. I believe that as our brains, our nerves, neurons, etc are consumed, little bits of our pysche are being digested as well. Our conscioussness, little by little, becomes one with the mycelial network (a.k.a the "Wood Wide Web"), the soil. And maybe, through the food chain, as bits of our memories travel through the soil, to the grass, to the deer, to the lion, even to other humans—we are kind of reincarnated, in a way. Maybe, when I eat fries made from a potato that was grown from soil that carries the soul of a rabbit, I will catch a fraction of one of its memories: The softness of its mother's fur, the smell of the soil in its burrow, the shape of a shadow in the grass on a particular day. Maybe I'll look at a tree one day, and the shadow it casts on the grass will look strangely familiar, but I won't remember where it came from.
16h ago
Uuuuuuaaaauughhhhgsgsh life is beautiful death is beautiful and slime mold can DESIGN EFFICIENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS!!! It also seems to SEE, FEEL, and THINK WITHOUT A BRAIN, EYES, or CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM!!! A Fungus and an algae can COMBINE in SYMBIOSIS to make an ENTIRELY NEW ORGANISM called LICHEN!!! And psilochbin, when ingested, can produce feelings of CONNECTEDNESS, which relates strongly to fungi's NATURAL ROLE in its ecosystem (that being connecting the forest through the Wood Wide Web and feeding its creatures), almost like WE'RE EXPERIENCING A BIT OF THE MUSHROOM'S OWN LIFE EXPERIENCE
15h ago