I love this button. I think it is from 1984. It was on a bulletin board in my childhood home.
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2d ago

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cheaper than prints and a good size to fill out the in-between spaces on your gallery wall. in my collection: "go to college. learn to riot.", "compulsive, neurotic, paranoid...but basically happy!", "i'm a yankees fan and i'm mad as hell", "mad dog writers' consortium", and another yankees one that just says "THURM" in big letters for thurman munson
Dec 15, 2023
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picked these up at the flea market yesterday and i love them. they’re old yugoslavian pins of course. it’s funny to see that there was a sort of pin obsession back in the day because my mom said she had so may of the ones we saw. ice cream company? they have a pin. sparkling water company? they have a pin. blood donor? you can carry a pin. you started school? here’s a pin. YOU get a pin, YOU get a pin EVERYBODY GETS A PIN! honestly we need to bring this back as a society because it looks so fun and fab heres a pic: top row: samobor (city), “waiter krešo”, droga portorož (it was a food company), ledo (ice cream company) bottom row: “for the pupil, youth”, JAT (yugoslavian airline), communist worker pin, zagreb pin from the public transport system ZET
Aug 12, 2024

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