my biggest fear is bugs and spiders especially daddy long legs spiders cause they’re disgusting HOWEVER sometimes i let it slide if i find one in my room cause it’s not close enough to bother me one lived in my wardrobe for months cause it was out of the way and i would only have to see it if i got clothes out so that was fine but then it just disappeared so rip i guess unless it’s living in some corner just found one this morning in a corner under my shelves and u know what it can live! i literally can’t see it unless i bend down from a certain angle so whatever as long as i don’t see it move it’s fine
1d ago

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I had a bathroom mirror spider for a while til I realised it was actually stuck on the mirror and I freed it, I felt so bad it had been there a few days.
14m ago

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I have these spiders that live in my house called flatties and I love them. They are so silly and they are always running around. They don't make webs, they hunt their prey like some kind of crab. Did you know tarantulas live 20-25 years? That's incredible. I have many tarantulas that live in my yard and they love chilling outside their hole and night every summer. Before I moved into this house I was so scared of bugs. I had no choice but to face my fears and now I like spiders. Life will change you, won't it? ps. I wanted to include a flattie picture but i decided not to out of consideration for others who are scared of bugs. so google them if you are curious!
May 13, 2024
I was in bed the other night and saw a really big spider and that got me out of bed really quickly.
May 9, 2024
I think a lot of fear is learned (noticing kids are often pretty chill with potato bugs and ants and etc) and am finding that exposure therapy, knowledge on how to identify the few dangerous species in my region, and mentally reframing things can do a lot for helping to become brave in ways that are kind. I think that genre of bravery may just be the most useful and cool. I’m at a point where I’m fine with a spider living in my home.
Apr 18, 2024

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there’s something so funny about seeing a friend before they notice you cause it’s like a look into what they’re like alone seeing how they walk when they’re by themselves or their expression when they’re just going about or looking around
Mar 6, 2025
recommendation image
discovered this song after it came on in the credits for the film the outrun and it’s literally so good the start literally hooks you with the crazy cool and unique accordion then the rest of the song is also amazing i love the bittersweet feel of it with the line ‘this is the day your life will surely change’ that most people can relate to when you swear to yourself you’ll break your bad habits to make a better life for yourself, deciding that THIS will be the day youll change but you could say that any day again and again and never actually do anything to change or stick with it
1d ago
still on season 1 but it’s so good and entertaining watching it cause it’s 90s and kind of mystery similar vibe to twin peaks since it was inspired by it so yas
Mar 5, 2025