over the years, i’ve been fortunate enough to have the stars align and meet some of the most amazing folks i know while at shows, and even better, call some of them my best friends. however, we’re all very spread out location wise, and sometimes go months without seeing each other (now is one of those times). i caught myself really missing some of them today, and it was honestly really bringing me down, but then i remembered wow! how amazing is it that we still love and care for each other so much, even through the distance?? how awesome it that i have friendships worth longing for?? now i’m feeling extra lucky :)

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I hung out with friends i hadn't seen in a while yesterday and had the greatest time in recent memory. Hope you're able to do the same soon.
19h ago

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lately, i’ve been feeling extra loving to my friends. maybe it’s the end of the year and upon reflection, i realized that the number of friends i have in my life has been shrinking as i go older. Its hard to keep in touch with peoplee you see 3-4 days a week in high school / university once you start working and worries about bills and the future start to consume your life on a more regular basis - and so when i have people i could call friends, i just felt extra mushy inside. not to mention that my friends (esp the guys) are hella darn cute and im having the worst case of platonic crush I think its normal though (having crush on your friends). i mean, these people are consistently (mostly) kind to you, sweet, and you hang out semi regularly… like isnt that enough for a crush? Anyway, im just so so grateful i’m ending the year with few people i could call friends. I got no idea what the future holds, but i do hope i can still keep them for a few years….
Dec 24, 2024
The last two weeks have been unimaginably hard and a lot of people have shown themselves to be really caring and compassionate individuals in ways that I couldn’t have ever imagined or hoped for, even coworkers who I didn’t realize I was lucky enough to call friends. I feel so fortunate to have people evidently care and it makes me strive to consistently show the people I care about that I value them
Nov 14, 2024
i am genuinely astonished at my fortune to have such loving, caring, compassionate, hilarious, sexy friends. been feeling some feels this week and then i talk to one of them for like 5 seconds and i instantly turn rainbow like the star power in mario kart and everything is wonderful again. this is your sign to call your friends and tell them you love them, or better yet, if they’re physically nearby, plant a gentle kiss on their foreheads and buy them a pizza as a token of your love. can you tell i haven’t been sleeping well? i’m deliriously and deliciously full of gratitude, my belly is full to the brim with it!
Jan 14, 2025

Top Recs from @carolinebreeden

this world is too cold and life is too short to not make sure that the people around you know you love them, that they matter to you. stop this mindset of needing to be nonchalant!!!! if someone leaves you after you tell them you love them, well, they weren’t mean to stick around anyways. tell your friends, your family, your lovers that they are what makes life worth living! that they are sunshine personified to your heart and soul!! the real ones will stay, and they’ll tell you the same. too many people don’t realize how loved they are. 2025 is the year of telling people you love them. flat out.
i’m definitely not the first person here to make a rec about this, but my tired brain is truly rejoicing. i have a very hard time completely leaving it since i communicate and share creative work through the app, but i think i’ve decided i will only be on it once a week or when i need/want to post. that’s all. as an already anxious person, seeing the same anxiety-inducing general information (as in something i could easily find on google or a news app) be reposted by 20+ people on their stories has become HELL, especially these last few weeks. not only that, but the constant push of personal opinions about such matters (even if i agree with them) just seems to warp your perception of people. maybe i’m just a wimp, but i don’t think humans were meant to see each other in such a way; we’re not so flashy and impulsive face to face. add the endless scrolling onto that, and it’s downright exhausting and kills productivity. there is so much more dimension and depth to humans and life than what is said or done or seen through this screen. can we please go back to flip phones?
Jan 31, 2025
recommendation image
i’m tired of acting like this isn’t one of the greatest songs of our generation. i swear there is something injected into this. i could be having a horrible day, but if i hear even just the first few seconds of sexyback, my worries are behind me. had to wake up really early for something important? sexyback will hype you up. sexyback heals all.