i've been really into the idea of tking myself on little solo dates and being generally kinder to myself lately, i think i've been happier with myself recently than i have ever been (the joys of growing up, i guess). and the realisation that i have real adult money and free will and can spend it on whatever is fun! i've been going to more concerts and on little trips and i saw that this one comedy duo i've been seeing a lot on social media were doing a live recording of their podcast in glasgow later this month, and i booked a ticket! planning on taking the day to do a little walking tour of the city, check out a doughnut place someone recommended to me, find a cool looking bar and order myself a pretty cocktail and head to the show - just really make a day of it :)
i don't know, i guess i've been really leaning into the idea that of all the people in my life, i am the one i'll have to spend the most time with, and i've been learning to have more fun hanging out with myself, and i feel like i'm coming into my own a little which just makes me so happy <3 hang out with yourself more! life is short man