I feel like every year I burrow further into life, everything accelerates faster and faster, becoming more complex and confusing (and sometimes feeling so dark and serious). I feel like I’m always playing catch up with things that have happened, processing them weeks to months to years after they’ve occurred, or only fully appreciating a moment long after it’s passed. My best art and thinking has been when i was  alone in the middle of the night , with no noise or anything around to distract me.I’ve been really into sitting and marinating in a quiet moment (going on a hike, looking out my apartment window in silence at night, journaling, reading an engrossing book, drawing) and attempting to detach myself from the small details and my day to day worries.
Sep 11, 2023

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Sep 11, 2023
I was put onto this show the first time I lived in London by our friend and Engineer for the last two Lowertown projects, Joseph. It’s about two fucked up 30 yr olds living in London who are shit people in different ways. They destroy each other’s lives but also need each other to fill the painful, all consuming loneliness.  it’s relatable, disgusting, existential, yet very light hearted and completely hilarious.It has become my all time comfort show, and I’ve seen all 9 seasons in their entirety an upwards of 5 or 6 times.
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