I swear by these capsules. They’re intense—you take 3 every 3 hours when you’re not feeling tip top. I always have them in my apartment and definitely when I’m on tour. I love to dole them out to my friends like a pharmacist. They will keep you healthy
Jun 8, 2023

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i’m addicted. ive actually overdosed on vitamins (yes, really)  and i still take them hehe. i love that theres a seemly endless list of them and their uses. feel like ripping all ur skin off? take an l-theanine or a magnesium glycinate. feel like your mental elasticity is that of a threadbare trampoline holding up an elephant? take some 5 htp and get some sleep. i love a cure all that doesnt involve changing your behavior or bad habits, dont you? and if you party as hard as i do make sure you’re popping one milk thistle daily.
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I’ve since relapsed —but as a compulsive nail biter my entire life, I got my first manicure this past winter and for the first time in my life my nails looked presentable. the clear polish is nice like a worry stone for me, satisfying the same urge that biting did—it’s a nice thing to do for yourself every 3 weeks or so I’ve discovered.
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