Mysterious band and one of my favs ever. “God Has Lips: Collected Recordings Vol.1” is the new album, their first release since 2010. This is that real shit I would like to listen to in a locker room before a game drinking blue gatorade dipping Skoal mint longcut kicking over garbage cans.
May 15, 2023

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this album isn’t completely unknown, but i definitely never hear enough people talk about it. every single time i’ve told someone to listen to this album, they’ve come back with nothing short of love for it. i took a friend to see flyte, and he only knew one of their songs - he left saying, “THAT’S how i want to be as a musician. that stage presence, songwriting, etc.” - a big fan was born that night lol. i would literally show this band and this album to every individual person in the world if it meant it would get the appreciation it deserved.
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