i just got the teenage engineering ep 133 ko ii (whew, what a mouthful.) i don’t yet know all the functions but ive had a blast making a few beats with my limited knowledge. i love the fact that there seems to be no eq—your samples are as they come, with the exception of pitch and amplitude. in the world of DAWs i feel like i am sometimes overwhelmed by options (this sound would be better if i Eq’d it. or maybe the transient has too much attack. or i think it needs to be sidechained to blah blah blah etc). of course these capabilities are incredibly useful, but when making music i feel like you can make a banger with really simple stuff. with the ko ii i just play the audio directly into the machine, sample it where i want it, and play the chops. then i play the drums in by hand. and that’s it and it sounds fucking great