Take time for a little self-care. Get in the routine of hitting the spa. Get off your phone sweat out those toxins. Sauna or steam room just always a good idea.
Apr 24, 2023

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Not super romantic but I have been loving smoking in my car before going to the gym, listening to my favorite music on the elliptical for a while, and then sitting in the sauna for a good long time :) Then I take a lovely warm shower and slather myself with lotions and potions. I leave feeling so grounded in my body and energized <3
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if you want to feel all rosy and relaxed and good about yourself like you’ve just exercised, but without the exercise
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find a way to get to a sauna or steam room, if not hot shower or bath, worst case put a pot on simmer and drape a towel over your head
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As I get older I get more self aware. I try to understand what I really like and what to make time for. If there’s something you loved and then strayed away from because you made new friends or moved to a new place, find time to pick whatever that is back up. Go dust off the old guitar and look up youtube tutorials and get back into it. Btw this actually leads me into my next rec…
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I am not saying over pay like getting ripped off. I am saying overspend like actually just buy the items you want, buy that couch ( and not the knockoff) but the one you actually wanted. You work hard, you should reward yourself and having nice things is fun. Tracking a record player down or a specific chair and then finally acquiring it and putting it in your house is part of making your house a home.
Apr 24, 2023
I don’t mean with absolute randoms, nor do I mean with some of your distant old friends from the past. I mean this very sweet spot like the ones I get thrown into. The one’s with a perpetually rotating cast of 25-30 socially adjacent mid-twenty year olds coming together for advice, memes, inside jokes and party invites. About a year ago Perfectly-Imperfect alum Dagsen would just add me in these insane chats with 19 other random numbers and everyone would just frantically share fashion week party information. but over the course of the last 12 months I’ve seen the staying power and camaraderie within these chats. I suggest if you live in a metropolitan city try and make one of these happen.
Apr 24, 2023