There’s a weird phenomenon in New York where you keep all your contacts from everyone else who might take something away from you - it’s mostly oriented around career. BUT! Guess what? Nothing matters. Who cares? People are going to work with who they want to work with, you might as well put in a good word, I believe karma is a real thing. I love talking about my friends' accolades to people they don’t know, you never know what could come of it. Surround yourself with unselfish, soft human people, and the rest is history.
Apr 21, 2023

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People are always like, “don’t work with your friends!” In order to protect friendships or something. But seems better and more fun to be like: “make your friendships strong enough to withstand collaboration.”  Find and cherish thy contemporaries.
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Ask friends to bring their friends, then you meet those peoples friends, then you meet those people’s friends, etc. follow up with connections you make platonic & romantic. I believe in you 🫡
esp if you work in an industry you semi-enjoy- you’d be surprised how many people youll find that have insane similarities or the same humor and goals as you. ive met some amazing people and women in my life thru work situations - yes its awkward as hell sometimes meeting new people and crossing that boundary - ive had jobs that I havent made connections but you have to keep yourself open to the possibility🧘‍♀️ some of my best friends are coworkers stolen for long life relationships
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Sue me, I love David Lynch. He loves dreams. He said, “The nervous system functions in a fourth, unique way, as different as dreaming is from sleeping as sleeping is from waking. When you transcend, it's the only experience that lights the full brain on an EEG machine. It's the only experience that utilizes the full brain.” Anytime I have a dream that stays with me when I wake up, I grab my phone and write it down in my notes. Here’s a snippet from a recent one, “I had to put on a gown in the tiniest bathroom. A famous actress grabs my hand and we run to a huge empty room with carpet everywhere. Rolling around on the floor laughing and then she’s crying to me telling me really sad things that are going on in her life. I really wanted to take a picture of the tears on her face but felt like i couldn’t.
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Apr 21, 2023
There’s so many bubble tea spots in Chinatown but this one is by far, the best. Get the passion fruit tea iced, with mango bubbles, twenty percent sugar. Bring cash.
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