I take a specific supplement with reishi mushrooms called ImmuCore by Metagenics. I swear by them. If I feel the tickle of a cold coming I take 2 and I do. not. get. sick. They are a magic pill. I have been exposed to covid, the flu, the common cold, and these little mfkers have saved me.
Apr 12, 2023

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I'm nothing if not a skeptic BUT I used to get sick like once a month. I've gotten a cold only once in 3 YEARS while taking these. whenever I stop for a while I notice a difference. Got these from a rec from the chef Samin Nosrat. The bottle says to take a crazy amount every day but they're not cheap so I do one a day unless I'm traveling or feel under the weather.
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I’ve been taking these pills for years whenever I’m sick & I swear by them. I also recommend liposomal vit c + d and heavily reducing caffeine and sugar intake til you’re better
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had a famously awful immune system when i worked around kids for years. took a while of trial and error before i learned what works best. other than general hygienic habits paired with optimal sleep and hydration, elderberry-ginger-turmeric are my best friends. i never found echinacea or vitamin c supplements to be very much help. here’s some small ways to incorporate them into your day to day: -a cup of elderberry tea everyday as a preventative measure (rishi makes an elderberry-ginger one but it’s very strong, just a heads up. most if these things will be, sorry.) -ginger shots. i make my own to save money as it’s fairly easy. orange juice, tumeric, pepper and sometimes manuka honey. -ginger-tumeric chai for the warm months, a cold ginger green tea or elderberry hibiscus in the cooler months -instead of tea, elderberry syrup. something that can be made with dried elderberry, but to be honest it’s easier to buy. outside of preventative measures, when i feel something coming on, i will down like 5-6 cups a day of one of/or a combination of these herbal teas (i usually do like 4-5 cups elderberry tea and maybe 1-2 cups of a ginger based tea). it’s very excessive yes and it’s not the most fun but it has cleared me up 9 out of 10 times. but even if it doesn’t, it still lessens the severity and time of symptoms.
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a podcast. if you know me you know that i love animals. they are my other life’s passion. if i wasn’t trying to be a pop star i’d be a marine biologist, or i’d go volunteer at a sloth sanctuary in costa rica or something like that. probably will someday anyway. This podcast is the best. The host Macken Murphy picks a species of animal and spends a whole episode talking about them and why they’re cool. The beaver episode is my favorite. Beavers are my favorite animal. I could write an essay about why they are the best animal but it’s probably easier for you to just listen to the show.
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the best gift i ever gave myself. every single night you will find me sitting on that thing. legs butt back feet. and then i sleep like a new born babe.
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