the best gift i ever gave myself. every single night you will find me sitting on that thing. legs butt back feet. and then i sleep like a new born babe.
Apr 12, 2023

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you know the episode of the league where Jason Mantzoukas is addicted to his toilet seat (because it’s made of cocaine)? That’s me with this wearable heated neck massager (minus the drug part, as far as I know… i got it from Amazon though so who knows actually). It is my prized possession. I miss it when I’m away from home. Life changing and inexpensive! Great for selfies too.
Feb 16, 2025
The saving grace of my workouts, and a massage chair all in one hand.  Over time this thing has actually become an incentive in of itself for me to workout because I so eagerly look forward to using it after going ham and abusing myself.  It’s a good bonding device for me and my girlfriend too, a 2021 alt to the “backscratchers” of the boomer generation.  For me it’s the best kind of gun.
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I am both broke and lazy I cannot afford regular massages or acupuncture I got a mat and love it so much I lie on it forever I wish my bed was made of it
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Top Recs from @sadie-

I take a specific supplement with reishi mushrooms called ImmuCore by Metagenics. I swear by them. If I feel the tickle of a cold coming I take 2 and I do. not. get. sick. They are a magic pill. I have been exposed to covid, the flu, the common cold, and these little mfkers have saved me.
Apr 12, 2023
a podcast. if you know me you know that i love animals. they are my other life’s passion. if i wasn’t trying to be a pop star i’d be a marine biologist, or i’d go volunteer at a sloth sanctuary in costa rica or something like that. probably will someday anyway. This podcast is the best. The host Macken Murphy picks a species of animal and spends a whole episode talking about them and why they’re cool. The beaver episode is my favorite. Beavers are my favorite animal. I could write an essay about why they are the best animal but it’s probably easier for you to just listen to the show.
Apr 12, 2023
Two years ago my best friends and I started a monthly swimming club ––the only rules are it has to be a naturally occurring body of water (so no hot tubs) and u have to fully submerge yourself (get ur head wet). it is the best thing ever. the cold water is invigorating and shocks you into life. ice baths are used to treat depression and anxiety. i can understand why
Apr 12, 2023