Anyone who really knows me knows that I love to play games. This one, what are the odds, is one of my go-to’s, especially when you’re in a space where there are alot of strangers and no one’s really doing anything except drink expensive martinis or cheap dive bar beer. We usually play with odds from 1-10, higher risk to dare your friends to do something out of the ordinary. To play, one person presents the ‘dare’ for example, ‘What are the odds you go up to that guy in the fedora and ask if you can try his hat on?’ Then, on the count of 3, both parties say a number between 1 and 10. If they say the same number, then the dare must be done. The game proceeds and the fun keeps your night exciting til you can’t do it anymore, you usually walk away with some new friends or at least some good stories.
Apr 21, 2023

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