I don’t actually want you to surf. Already there are too many surfers. If you do try surfing, you will not look cool—you will look like a kook. The worst look in the world. After years of embarrassment, maybe, maybe you will learn to ride a wave without looking like a kook. Still, the ocean will try to kill you constantly because, fundamentally, you remain a kook. But being so close to death where life on Earth started will cause you to reassess your place in the natural world. You will never dump your petroleum lube down a storm drain that leads to the ocean. You will never eat goosefish because it’s in the red on Seafoodwatch.org. You will learn to laugh at yourself, because in one way or another, we’re all kooks flailing to keep from drowning. On second thought, I actually do want you to start surfing. If you’re in Los Angeles hit me up, I have an extra board you can borrow.
Apr 3, 2023

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That thing is your style. Probably it’s still raw, which is why others don’t see what you see. Refine your thing, your idiosyncrasy. Sharpen it but don’t smooth out all the rough edges, these are what stick in people’s brains. Be inelegant. Be brave.
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This new limited series on Netflix is causing a lot of controversy in the archaeological community. Graham Hancock, the host, loves to say, “Human beings are a species with amnesia.” To prove this he travels around the world to pre-historic sites and makes the argument that an advanced human civilization existed during the last Ice Age before being wiped out by asteroid strikes around 12,800 years ago. I’m a natural born skeptic, but I’ve read several of Hancock’s books and they raise a lot of questions that archaeologists haven’t, or can’t, sufficiently answer.  Sometimes I wonder why I’m so interested in the mysteries of prehistory. The conclusion I’ve come to is that they calm me by making my own problems—finishing my Perfectly Imperfect, writing the next book, death—feel less significant.
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