It’s as rewarding as you imagine. This year I planted four tomato varieties and staggered them by several weeks to give me a whole 5 months of tomato snacks. Between the plants I put basil, mint, chamomile, dill.. I haven’t bought a herb in a supermarket for years. I tried to grow celery and leek plants but they tasted nasty: still learning!

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We joined the Altadena Community Garden (after being on a waiting list for three years… so long I forgot we ever signed up when they called.) Since then, we ride our bikes down there every couple weeks or when we are back in town, and as I toil - for no other purpose than attempting to raise healthy vegetables and do something that doesn’t include a screen.   It’s the perfect tangible metaphor for living: We have to weed out the unwanted clutter and invasive influences so that we can grow the best, most nurturing edible plants into being - and then there is the harvest of food we have watered and grown! So thrilling! Meeting neighbors and swapping tips (usually it’s them guiding us:) is another highlight. So far we’ve grown collard greens, kale, tomatoes (through which we discovered stir fried green tomatoes yum), artichokes, squash (so much grew, we made them the centerpieces at our LA wedding and served an appetizer of squash, goat cheese and pomegranate), sorrel, basil, cilantro (hands down the most essential herb in my kitchen), eggplant, peppers, thyme and parsley (which led to the invention of our parsley pesto). As we become more and more plugged in and disconnected, the garden is a refuge and a physical reminder!  I highly recommend, fellow sapiens! 
Jan 16, 2025

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