I only take flights over oceans, and have avoided short-haul flights for about 5 years now. It’s the combination of deep environmental guilt, but also tbh I just *really* enjoy train travel. I just took the train from London to Venice Italy which was incredible—sunset over the alps. European trains are so much further ahead than American trains, which is silly when you think about the whole railroad race / baron situation in the late 1800s. America could have had such a cool rail network. I took the train from LA to San Francisco last year and it took 15 hours. FIFTEEN! and the only food on board was soggy hot dogs. Nein danke. Pls send your rail execs to Europe for some on-the-tracks research. It's just so much more stress-free to walk into a station in the middle of a city, taking time to read as fields and forests speed by, a chic little snack and then, boom, you arrive right in the middle of another city as if nothing happened.

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