been running my newsletter project for a few months now - it makes basically no money and takes up a ton of my time, and i’ve frequently considered dropping it due to the tight budgetary situation i’m in atm. i am always glad i choose not to, and the reason why is simple - it is a project that people like enough to tell me directly that they like it, and that gives me motivation to keep being creative in my life generally
big joel has this video where he says something along the lines of “it’s totally fine to make things because you think they will be popular, because you’re a human being and it’s natural to want to be recognized by other human beings.” of course you shouldn’t cater your entire worldview and personality for the whims of others, but it is perfectly fine (and frankly necessary for your mental health) to, from time to time, make a thing primarily because you think people will like it. it will give you the necessary confidence for you to pursue the moonshot when the time comes