Remember that feeling when you were a kid of really fanning out about stuff. Never let that go. It’s easy to become jaded. But stay a fan. It feels so good to be a fan of something in a world full of jealous Shondas. For example I am Jerry Lewis’ biggest fan. Literally no one likes him as much as I do. Also to elaborate I think it’s good to prolong idiots bliss. I try to stay as mentally primitive with my “creative processes” as much as possible because that’s when you are the most prolific and uninhibited in your work. I would do anything to avoid getting bent out of shape or feeling held back. I’d rather shoot a movie on tape with no money than try to get something made for 3 years. Just churn stuff out and move on to the next big idea. Also yearning. I’ve been yearning a lot.
Sep 15, 2022

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