I think everyone just needs to have more compassion and stop being so annoying online. Everyone treats politics like fashion trends. Just be a good person.
Sep 15, 2022

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why be negative when you can be positive. If you see someone do something dumb just ignore it (unless it’s especially funny then you can share it with friends another time). We only live once so best to focus on the positives. When you’re nice to others you feel much better yourself. And everyone’s constantly learning, making mistakes anyway so while other people may seem uninformed sometimes, you also will be at points and you wouldn’t want to be ridiculed for that. As for others being negative, just nod along and ignore. Or try to change the topic.
Jan 28, 2025
I don’t mean this in a let’s enforce toxic positivity way. And maybe this sounds simple and obvious but I’ve learned from my own experience and observations that it can be off-putting to others to always be complaining, criticizing, or saying negative things! It can really bring the energy down whether it’s in interactions with close friends, significant others, family, coworkers, dates, or strangers and it doesn’t make people feel good. This isn’t to say that you should never have critical thoughts, engage in difficult conversations, or share your heavy emotions with people you trust. but I think this is something people can do without even realizing it’s a pattern for them and it has an effect on your own psyche as well imo… and it feels great to bring a little light into someone’s day 🌦️
Apr 19, 2024
Don't cut lines if you can help it. Let people off the train before getting on. Don't take loud phone calls at a cafe when people are trying to work. I treat these things less like guidelines and more like laws and tbh I am right.
Dec 8, 2023

Top Recs from @charlotte-ercoli

Remember that feeling when you were a kid of really fanning out about stuff. Never let that go. It’s easy to become jaded. But stay a fan. It feels so good to be a fan of something in a world full of jealous Shondas. For example I am Jerry Lewis’ biggest fan. Literally no one likes him as much as I do. Also to elaborate I think it’s good to prolong idiots bliss. I try to stay as mentally primitive with my “creative processes” as much as possible because that’s when you are the most prolific and uninhibited in your work. I would do anything to avoid getting bent out of shape or feeling held back. I’d rather shoot a movie on tape with no money than try to get something made for 3 years. Just churn stuff out and move on to the next big idea. Also yearning. I’ve been yearning a lot.
Sep 15, 2022
I’m going to be the first director to leave the bloopers in the movie. Why not.I love seeing people have a good time. When I watch the “Friends” gag reel It sends me to the moon. It gets me caught between the moon and New York City!!! What I would give to have been a part of something like that. Or a part of anything. I hope to be a part of something, anything, one day.
Sep 15, 2022
You’ll never regret it. The greatest souvenir you can have from being alive is video evidence.
Sep 15, 2022