Where else can you get a pot of tea and cake until 3 in the morning? Ugh, it’s awesome. They have a bunch of old chairs and artwork in there. When I’m in cafe Reggio I’m always like why isn’t every cafe like this? Why does every cafe look like a scandinavian wet dream? I want table service. I want coffee mugs. To go shouldn’t even be an option. To go where? You’re already here.
Aug 25, 2022

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I've been a very jealous person at times. I'm sure you have too. My biggest pet peeve is people gossiping or complaining about people that they are actually just jealous of. I try my best to notice when I'm acting like this. It's annoying and a waste of your brain. When you're jealous of someone it's because they possess something you don't have. So if I'm feeling jealous I ask myself what do they have that I want? And then I can just add that thing to my ever changing list of desires and detach it from that person.
Aug 25, 2022