Grab some paper or cardboard use whatever you have and just make something. Draw, collage, sculpture, video, whatever. Don’t take it too seriously. See how you feel afterwards.
Aug 4, 2022

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Pull a joni mitchell and engage in arts that differ from your primary to inform it at a later time. If you lean more toward visual arts try poetry, song writing, music making, acting/performances for the self, crochet, clay, claymation, videography, sound collection, whistling, discovering new sounds you can make etc. Often when i want to create but i feel tired or uninspired i try to use still life or my surroundings— BUT If thats boring i ask myself a question and let my train of thought ramble -> connecting that rambling to my pen on paper Honestly setting your inner critic to rest and creating things that are imperfect is actually incredible! More often than not letting first drafts be final for a moment allows you to discover what you crave to create.
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I spend all day in the office, and since i live in the same building as my office i spend all day inside. I love being in there because I can literally control who i see and who i don’t, but occasionally i get cabin fever and need to go outside. I usually take my bike out. A bicycle is the life hack of NYC. If you don’t have one get a citi bike. ride around the city, put on some headphones. Most relaxing way to get some air and see the city. Late afternoons are the best.
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Literally the greatest thing ever made. Aaron Shwartz is my higher power. Watch the film on him “The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz”.
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