While in Oaxaca I went to a pharmacia and boy do they sell everything there! I took French in high school so I couldn’t read the labels but the pharmacist was very helpful in assuring me that I wanted these blue football-shaped pills and he was right! They are designed to cure anxiety and overall consciousness! I’ve never felt so at peace. 10/10 recommend.
Jul 26, 2022

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Anika and Bryson went to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar) after missing their flight to LA. They had such a blast I thought, heck I wanna go! I’m always looking for my next local haunt. So I went down to LAX and parked my car in overnight parking which costs $150/hour and walked up to the Jet Blue help window and said, “I’d like to go to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar), please” and they said, “do you have a plane ticket?” And I said, “no, I just wanted to chill in the lounge” and they said, “ma’am, you can’t go past security without a boarding pass” so I asked them what the cheapest plane ticket was and they said that considering the price of fuel due to some international conflict, all tickets are very expensive so I asked, “well what is the *cheapest*” and they said, “Oaxaca or Boise” so I bought a ticket to Oaxaca. Then I waited 45 minutes at TSA where they threw away my Aesop deodorant because it was over 3.5 oz and went to the Jet Blue Lounge where I ordered a $27 martini and then I flew to Mexico.
Jul 26, 2022
I’m a little shy at first 🙈 and sometimes need prompting to reveal my esoteric knowledge of history and culture. Heads-Up (game) for iPhones (and Androids) is a great way to break the ice, particularly in ride-shares with strangers. I am personally banned from Uber so when I say ride-shares, I am referring specifically to Lyft. To play Heads-Up (game) you simply put the iPhone (or Android!) to your forehead and your present company must assist you in guessing what name or phrase is displayed on screen. So, for example, let’s say my head says “Alec Baldwin,” my new friends might say, “that actor from 30 Rock who shot someone recently.” Nominally, if you get the answer right, you put your head UP and go again in low-stakes Russian roulette style speed rounds. The funny thing about Heads-Up (game) is that it’s owned by Warner Games which is owned by Halliburton which is owned by Exxonmobile. I guess it’s not “ha ha” funny…
Jul 26, 2022