Anika and Bryson went to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar) after missing their flight to LA. They had such a blast I thought, heck I wanna go! I’m always looking for my next local haunt. So I went down to LAX and parked my car in overnight parking which costs $150/hour and walked up to the Jet Blue help window and said, “I’d like to go to the Jet Blue Lounge (bar), please” and they said, “do you have a plane ticket?” And I said, “no, I just wanted to chill in the lounge” and they said, “ma’am, you can’t go past security without a boarding pass” so I asked them what the cheapest plane ticket was and they said that considering the price of fuel due to some international conflict, all tickets are very expensive so I asked, “well what is the *cheapest*” and they said, “Oaxaca or Boise” so I bought a ticket to Oaxaca. Then I waited 45 minutes at TSA where they threw away my Aesop deodorant because it was over 3.5 oz and went to the Jet Blue Lounge where I ordered a $27 martini and then I flew to Mexico.